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    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 00:54


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    Palm jaggeryis anexcellent substitute for white sugar. Let's putit this way-As compared to white sugar that is devoid of nutrients, palm jaggery is anutritious sweetener Al the phytonutrients, phytonutrients of phythythuss of phytuss gar Apart from its sweet taste, it contains nonutrient. On the other hand, jaggery is processed without any chemicals or artificialing redients. So, itis a healthy and natural sweetener. Palmjaggery is the mostis the mo mo mo mo maris the mariety mo farist, some people dislike its appearance. It is als opricey. But palm jaggery bene islikearance. https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/health-benefits-of-palm-jaggery/ #gref

    Health Benefits Of Palm Jaggery The palm jaggery benefits for health are: 하나. Rich Source Of Minerals 많은 미네랄의 원천 2.Restores Healthy Digestion건강한 소화력 복원 3.Rich In Nutrients영양소 많은 4.Energy Booster기력 증진 5.Active Cleanser활성 세정제 6.Relieves Constipation변비 완화 7.Relieves Many Common Ailments제반의 통증 완화 8.Heals Migraines편두통 치유 9.Helps In Weight Loss체중 감소하지만 0.Seasonal Effects On Body, 계절별 증세 원 회


    한 Rich Source Of Minerals​ Palm jaggery is rich in essential minerals.According to some studies, it has 60 times more minerals than white sugar.It is also the storehouse of many vitamins. 백설탕보다 미네랄이 60배 2.Restores Healthy Digestion​ It may sound strange, but palm jaggery works as a digestive agent.In some regions of India, people take small serving of it after heavy meals to digestion the food.It activates the digestive enzymes and helps to cleanse the intestinal tracts. 소화 효소 활성, 장관 청소 쥬은쟈은 ​ 3.Rich In Nutrients​ Palm jaggery is rich in iron.Its regular consumption increases hemoglobin level and treats anemia.Magnesium, on the other hand, regulates the nervous system.High antioxidant content of this naturalsweetener helps to protect body cells from damages caused by 무료 radicals. Itis equally rich in calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. 주기적 식사는 헤모글로빙 수치를 증가시키고 빈혈을 챠료, 마그네슘은 신경계를 조 죠루코의 함량의 항산화 성분은 자유 전자로부터 받은 상처 받은 세포를 보호 칼슘, 칼륨, 인도도 한 풍요로우​ 4.Energy Booster​ Palm jaggery has composite carbohydrates.You can digest it sooner than the white sugar.It releases out energy if you consume it regularly.It means that you can stay fresh and activefor hours after eating palm jaggery. 복합당질로서 백설탕으로부터 소화가 용이 정 던 신지를 생성,[Read:Benefits Of Organic Jaggery]​ 5.Active Cleanser​ Palm jaggery also cleans up your system.It cleanses the respiratory tract, intestines, food pipe, lungs, and stomach.It also helps to wipe out the toxins from the body, leaving you healthy and fit!순환계, 식도, 폐, 위를 청소, 체내의 독소를 청소 ​ 6.Relieves Constipation​ Jaggery palm is full of dietary fibers.These fibers help to treat constipation and indigestion.It helps to clean the system by flushing out unwanted particles.It also stimulates bowel movement. 삭이 섬유의 다량 함유하고 변비와 소화 불량을 개선하고 불필요한 물질을 배출, 장 운동을 활성화 ​ 7.Relieves Many Common Ailments​ Palm jaggery was used in ancient times for its medicinal properties. Infact, it wasused to treat dry cough and cold. Palm jaggery helps to clear the respiratory tract by dissolving the mucus. Ifaperson whoissuffering respiratory problems like asthacantake palm jaggery to treattreattreattreatory고대로부터 사용된 통증 완화제의 용도: 마르고, 감기, 가래의 삭력, 천식 8.Heals Migraines migraines migraines migraines migrapalthepermines to matals t and you will experience relief from migraine. 편두통의 감소, 한 숟가락으로 효용을 봄 ​ ​ 9.Helps In Weight Loss​ This is a startling fact about palm jaggery.Higher count of potassium in this raw sweetener reduces water retention and bloating.As such, your weight lossregimen is well supported by this sweetener. [Read: Jaggery Help You Tose Weight] 체중 감소에는 놀라운 효과 고농도 칼륨이 체내 수분 감소 유도 ​ 하나 0.Seasonal Effects On BodyPalm jaggery offers relief from both blistering summers and chilling winters.In summer, palmyra jaggery gives you the cooling respite while date palm jaggery keeps you warm during winters.These are some of the passed palm jaggery benefits.It is tough to give up whitesugar completely. Buttry to replace it with this sweetener. Switch to this natural sweetener and experience a health make over! Do you like palm jaggery? Does it find a place in your regular diet? Hows regulare hare over. Huction? regulare arear 귀중한 제품이 바로 '토디팜 재료 거리'입니다.미얀마 사람들의 땀과 정성이 배어있고 가장 중요한 전통식품이 토디팜 재료거리인데, 이것들은 sound 음식을 만들 때 단맛을 내는 재료로 쓰이는 것은 물론 감기, 기침, 가래와 같은 기관지 계통의 질병이 나쁘지 않고 암, 뇌졸중, 콜레스테롤, 고혈압, 심하면 변비에 이르기까지 다양한 난치병 치료제로 토디팜 재료를 활용하고 있습니다.​ 충남 대학교에 의뢰하고 분석한 바에 의하면 아카시아 꿀과 비교했을 때 칼슘 한개 5배, 25배, 마그네슘 40배, 폴리페놀 22배, 칼륨 75배, 식이 유황 20배 정도로 강력한 항암제로 각광 받은 셀렌은 하나 70ppm/kg이 포함된 반면 꿀은 전혀 검출도 못했어요.출처 : 배대열의 세상만사 https://southindianstore.com/insane-reasons-palm-jaggery-beneficial-health/

    최초의 Insane Reasons Why Palm Jaggery Aka Karupatti Is Beneficial For Your Health 최초. Highly Nutritious: 대단한 영양가, 헤모글로빈의 증가로 빈혈치료, 마그네슘은 신경계 조절, 칼슘은 골격계 형성 유지, 칼륨 심장심장건강과 면역력 증진과 경련 감소, 혈관 관련 질환 예방 Palm jaggery is rich iniron and it increases haemoglobin and treats anemia if consumed regularly. Itiumsumy Itis marichichichin mates and marichin matemins potassium which boosts heart health, decreases cramps and has several other benefits as well.It boosts the immune system and thus prevents several blood-related and other disorders. ​ 2.Ultimate Cleanser:체내의 독소 제거 It is an healthy alternative to white sugar and helps in the cleansing of your total system.Respiratory tracts, stomach, lungs, intestines, it removes toxins from every part of the body, leaving you healthy. ​ 3.Nourishes Skin:개선 개선, 여드름, 주름, 주근깨 예방, 저승 꽃 주름 발생 지연, Jaggery being a rich source of nutrients helps to get healthy and smooth skin.It also prevents pimples, wrinkles and acne, giving you a glowing skin naturally.It also delays the signs of aging by preventing dark spots and wrinkles.So ladies, instead of trying cosmetic products, try this natural aid. ​ 4.Improves Digestion:소화력 증진, 소화 효소의 활성화, 장 운동의 개선 사이의 불순물 제거, One of the major benefits of eating Karupatti is its ability to provide relief from digestive disorders.It not only activates digestive enzymes, but also treats constipation and indigestion by regulating bowel movement.It cleanses the system by removing unwanted particles.It acts as a detox by flushing out nasty substances from liver.During summer, consuming a medium-sized piece of jaggery keeps the stomach cool. ​ 5.Boosts Energy:몇 때 때까지는 시간 에너지 백 일이 발생 Palm jaggery is rich in composite carbohydrates which helps it to digest sooner.Daily consumption releases energy which keeps you active and energetic for hours.So if you're looking for a kickass start to your day, include some Jaggery in your diet. ​ ​ 6.Effective During Pregnancy:태아 보호 It contains an abundance of anti-oxidants. This not only neutralizes free radical active but also prevents cell damage and DNA degradation.Palm Jaggery safeguards the fetus from negative health effects.It is used in the diet, 7 month onwards to provide relief from pregnancy difficulties. ​ 7.Palm Jaggery Reduces Weight:체중 감소, 전해질 균형에서 수분 대사 조절 It is surprisingly effective in weight loss.Beingasource of potassium, it helps to maintain the electrolytic balance and helps in the reduction of water retention. Allthis collectively play ajor role in weight loss. Click here to buy freshand authentic Palm Jaggery from Sougery friafrom Southery frunstrunsess. frunsurns out to be an effective natural therapy for menstrual problems. Eating of Jaggery releases endorphins which relaxes your body and hence prevent premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It relaxes the body and makesus feel better by reducing cramps. ​ 9.Treats Cold And Cough:감기로 콧물, 기침 치료, 인후증 완화 Whether its warm water or tea, addition of Jaggery(gur)in it, helps it to fight symptoms of cold related diseases.Next time if you're sneezing or coughing, take a bit of jaggery for relief.It helps in treating chronic cough also.Palm jaggery has a soothing effect on the soft tissues of the throat, thus reducing throat irritation. ​ 첫 0.Eases Joint Pain:골격의 강화, 관절염 같은 증상 이과의 관절통 완화 It strengthen the bones, thereby reducing joint pain and other related syndromes like arthritis.It is rich in calcium thus making the bones stronger and healthier.Experts suggest to take jaggery with a pinch of ginger or a glass of milk for better results. 최초의. Heals Migraine : 편두통 치유 The medicinal properties of Palm Jaggery helps to reducethis pain naturally. Jaggery along with Ghee helps to constrict bloodvells and controls pain withoutany medicine. Aty medicine. Atastastriss to mas to mastricals to ins to mas thttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gDv_e5sB7m0&feature=youtu.be
































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